Ultima Martian Dreams
Sam Clemens(Mark Twain) サム・クレメンス(マーク・トウェイン)

You see a man in light grey wearing a bow tie.
He hands you a pilot’s cap.
“You’re late, pilot. Where have you been? Come on, now, we’re late. I’ll steer this riverboat: you get the pages!”
“More talk, sonny?”
He shakes your hand and thanks you as you step off the peculiar raft.
“My goodness! I do believe you’re as real as I, or the rest of us Earth folks. I thought for sure I was dreaming You, too!”
He grins beneath his bristly moustache.
“Guess I should be going now. I’m sure we’ll meet again!”
“There’s no time to talk now?we’ve got to get the pages!”
“Samuel Clemens. Folks might know me better as author Mark Twain. Mighty pleased to meet you.”
“I’m a writer. At least, I’ll be a writer so long as I’m on time.”
“Yes, look, there they go. Scattered on the Mississippi lookin’ for all the world like stars in the Milky Way. Give me a hand, pilot: bring me all my pages! If I don’t gather up my manuscript and get it to the post box on time, my publisher in New York’ll have my proverbial hide.”
“Oh, good, you got all the pages!”
He squares them into a stack and they change into a book. The title reads, “The Adventures of Avatar.”
He hands you the book and smiles warmly.
“Now, you go and post this.”
“Well, they’re a book now.”
Post Book
“Our destination is the end of the river. Mind you keep your eyes open, and warn me if there’s shoals ahead, too.”
He looks a bit sheepish.
“I was admiring my own works when the winds of time blew the pages out of my hands. All those things I write about, they’ll always be there: runaway slaves, paddlewheelers, maiden aunts, and the rest. It’ll always be the same. But I’m just a mortal: a man only gets so much time, twenty-five pages, that’s how many we have to gather up, and I don’t know how long I’ve got to do it.”
“Remember: as long as there are rivers, there’ll be riverboats. And as long as there are riverboats, there will be pilots…”
He looks at his watch and looks pointedly at you.
“Provided they’re on time, that is.”
“Right, pilot! Let’s get to work!”
“Reckon I don’t have a say on that, right now. Ask me later.”
You see a friendly, white-haired old man with a large moustache.
“Greetings, friend. Pleasant weather we’re havin’.”
“I suppose you’ve forgotten already. Well, that’s fine. Best call me Clemens, Sam Clemens. Most folks who read know me as Mark Twain, though.”
“I try to make a living as a writer. Usually works. I’ve been putting together a journal of our stay here on Mars for publication when we get home. I think it’ll sell. I don’t know if many people will be able to use it as a tour guide, though.”
“The beautiful red planet, home of talking greenery and conversing crops.”
“Yep, they would make one heck of a salad if they didn’t talk back.”
“You could make a great meal here if you never wanted to eat meat. Of course, the same objections people have to eating meat would apply here to plants. I suppose they’d just have to overcome their finer instincts, or starve. Always been a carnivore, myself.”
He shakes his head, resigned to others’ strange behaviors.
“Min you, I’ve been known to be particular about what I eat. I have known those who would seemingly eat anything if they were hungry enough. Why, I’ve been to places and watched foreigners eat just about anything and everything.”
“When I travelled through Europe and the Holy Land, I came up against people who would put all sorts of things in their mouths. I tried a few, but I’m just too American for most, I guess.”
“I mean, where I come from, we do things with frogs other than eating.”
“I’ll have to thank you for thinking of me, but I think Livy’d kill me if I didn’t make it home alive. I’d best stay here.”
“Yes, I’ll be ready to leave whenever you are. You just let me know when.”
He leans back and closes his eyes.
“That’s fine. You get to work and I’ll wait right here.”
“You’ll have to put that a little plainer.”