Ultima Martian Dreams
Tekapesh テカペシュ

You see a dark-bearded man, very unkempt.
“You are not of my grove. What is your business in this place?”
“It seems that your plan has failed. I have sorrow for the passing of the brave plant who risked his life in your venture and lost. You have, however, proven your dedication to our cause. I will cooperate in your schemes from this point forward. We will prepare the last of us for proper composting and farewell. Thank you for returning him to us.”
“I am Tekapesh, though your species believe I am called Lowell.”
“I have the honor to be the Agrarian of the grove of Elysium.”
“An Agrarian, such as myself, is the guiding force of a grove.”
“My grove includes my kinsmen and the soil in which we sink our roots. We are the last hope of the Martian race. Pashesh, the assistant Ambassador, knows more about each individual in the grove than I do. You should speak to him about any specific plantals.”
“We are dedicated to the resurrection of the true Martian form. We must cast off these fleshy, disgusting shells and live as civilized plants once more. We still have hope that we will be able to grow new plantal bodies for our consciousnesses. We believe in action. Those fools in Hellas are content to wait forever for a miracle. They do not understand our methods. We have broken official communication with Hellas for the time being.”
“Centuries ago, a dread plague covered the surface of Mars, contaminating our environment. Several of my race fled into the Dream World, cormbroken at the prospect of leaving behind our elegant plantal forms. Now that the plague has dispersed with the passage of time, we have emerged from that stasis to rebuild our race.”
“It was released as a weapon of war by Raxachk, the Warlord Agrarian of Argyre, in his zeal to rule the planet. Because of his greed and lust for power, our race was totally destroyed physically. Only our intellect remains.”
“If you wish to know more of the history, my ambassador, Bikchiz, is better versed in it than I. you would do well to speak with him.”
“We do wish, eventually, to transfer our superior intellects from these wormlike bodies to more suitable forms using the Dream Machines. We must, after all, have something with the ability to transfer knowledge and memories from generation to generation. Your bodies begin blank and must relearn everything. So tragic. That is why we are more advanced. The key to our plan is the cultivation of new, healthy Martian pods for my grovemates.”
“You wish to test a transfer to a new body?”
He thinks for a moment, then turns back to you.
“While this is certainly a worthwhile cause, I do not trust a worm to have the intellect to do this properly. I apologize, but unless you are the last resort, I will not allow my plantals to participate in such a dangerous scheme. I would ask that you visit the Hellas grove and request their help in your endeavour.”
”Well, good. Do not take offense, but I could only trust the lives of my plantals to another plant. I could not allow them to cooperate in a worm’s weedbrained scheme. Only the Hellas grove would be so desperate. Hmph.”
“You have tried a transfer, worm. We have lost a brave plantal because of it. I cannot agree to another test. There may be an alternative, however. I seem to remember that one of the Hellites was attempting a plan to construct artificial bodies. Kaxishek was an odd one, alright. But who can tell? Perhaps he succeeded.”
“We will abandon these shells when there is a more suitable form available for us. Not before.”
“The dream Machine is the last refuge, the last hope of my plantals. I cannot allow you to see it or to use it. It is too critical for our survival. It is, indeed, a shame that some of your people are trapped in our machine. Such great worm intellects as Lowell and Melies. A shame.”
He smirks.
Cultivation, Grow
“The details of the growth process are under the control of my Cultivator, Cheshef, whom those of your species call Carver.”
“Cheshef is developing a method for the growth of new plant forms for my people. If you are interested, you should speak to him.”
Form, Plant
“I doubt that one of your limited animal intelligence can even comprehend the glorious advancement of civilization as developed by our plantal race. We are, of course, the most advanced form of intellect in the system.”
“Elysium is the first city of Mars, which surrounds you.”
“Great intellects for worms, I suppose. Some of your people might almost be able to comprehend our wisdom.”
“His plan for alternate bodies certainly had possibilities. I do not remember any of the specifics, though. You should ask Xaktsesh of the Hellas grove if you think it worth pursuing. She was one of his podmates.”
“You believe you have a plan for something better than either pods or worms?”
He looks at you suspiciously.
“I had heard that there were possibilities… All right. I will agree this far, and this far only. I will agree to allow you access to our Dream Machine. Consider it done. As soon as you have devised ways to free all of the humans in the Dream World from their nightmares, and they are waiting in the Hall of Dreams for the transfer, I and my plantals will consent to returning the bodies to the humans. We will then wait in the Dream World for you to prepare new bodies for us. But I warn you ? The wait had better not be long. Or we will find a way to shorten your existence. Do not doubt that we can.”
He turns his back on you and is silent.
“We will now go to the Dream Machines and trade places with the free humans in the Hall of Dreams. We will wait in a secret place in Dream World to be called to new bodies. We will not wait patiently, and we will not wait long. We will find you if you do not fulfill your part in this matter. And you will regret having forsaken us. I promise you, you will regret.”
He goes to a central area and calls to his plantals. When they are gathered, he announces that he has agreed on their behalf to trust you, and to return to the Dream World for the time being. There is some discussion, mostly in favor, and the Martians file in an orderly fashion to the Dream Machine. When they are in place, you activate the machine, and…
Tekapesh, leader of the Elysium Martians, gathers “his” people.
“I have learned that you are honorable, and I trust your efforts to find us new bodies that can survive the legacy of Raxachk. My grovemates, these creatures from another world have proven as honorable as ourselves, and their grovemates have more right to these bodies than we do. We hope to walk this world again someday, but our hope now rides with them.”
“You seem to have difficulty expressing yourself with any intelligence. This is no surprise. Try again, worm.”
“I think not.”
“I will shift where and when I please. And no worm will tell me otherwise.”
He turns his back on you: the audience is over.
“It has been… entertaining.”
“You seem to have difficulty expressing yourself with any intelligence. This is no surprise. Try again, worm.”