Ultima Martian Dreams

Jack Segal ジャック・セガール

You see a dark, slick-looking man with slightly shifty eyes.

“Well. Nathaniel must have cleared you if you’ve gotten this far. Welcome to the beautiful colony of Olympus!”
He smiles widely, vigorously shaking your hand.
“I assume that your appearance means that a ship has arrived to rescue us. This is good news, indeed. If there is any way we may be of assistance, please do let us know. Also, we would appreciate your assistance in locating any other right-thinking humans who may be out there. We’ll need all we can find if we hope to make it home.”



“Greetings, Avatar. Good to see you back in fair Olympus!”

“Segal. Jack Segal. Honored, Sir.”
He smiles broadly, and pumps your hand.


“Why, it is my solemn responsibility to take care of these good people of Olympus. Someone has to watch out for them, you know.”
You get an impression of insincere martyrdom.


“Indeed, there are very few sane people left here on Mars. Those unfortunate folk who used the Dream Machines are completely insane. Dangerously so, in fact. It is well known that the only way to be safe is to avoid the Machines at all cost. Marcus disagrees, but look at him! Talking to inanimate objects. Really!”


“We had one of the infernal machines here before I used my considerable influence to convince the people to destroy it. Invention of the devil, I said! Evil, pernicious creation! Of course, they listened.”


“Yes, the machine was in a building here in town, the one with two fountains by the front entrance. What’s left of it is under guard. I intend to take no chances with this dangerous technology. Mr. Edison, especially, was showing a dangerous interest in the machine. Why, he even hoped he could repair it! Foolishness.”


“Yes, Sir, I cannot possibly overemphasize the importance of this matter.”
He puts his arm around your shoulders, and whispers conspiratorially.
“You’re a reasonable man, Sir, well-travelled, and with much influence. This technology no doubt destroyed the Martians. I’m sure you see the necessity of preventing it from falling into the hands of the uneducated masses. We men of education must occasionally makes such decisions for the rest of mankind.”
He straightens and looks into the distance, posing for effect.


“Right, Crazy Marcus. He lives by himself in Hellas, since I persuaded him it was best for all that he leave. He used a Dream Machine and we just couldn’t trust him after that.”
He shakes his head sadly.


“Hellas was one of the Martian centres of civilization. Marcus lives there now, talking to objects. Says he’s sane. Ha! Anyway, it’s southwest of here, at about 25S 57E. It has one of those damned Dream Machines, but you can’t get to it. It’s blocked by an empty canal, thank God.”
He examines you suspiciously.
“You’re not thinking of going there, are you, Avatar? I can’t tell you how dangerous that would be. We need you. Don’t endanger yourself unnecessarily!”
He seems sincerely concerned for your welfare. And his.


“It seems that these empty man-made-sorry, Martian-made,”
he says, smiling condescendingly,
“These Martian-made ditches used to be filled with water. We’ve seen no reason to fix them. That would only allow access to places we have no need to be.”


“Sorry, old man, but I must remain here. These people need me!”


“Indeed, Sir, we are busy folk, now, are we not? I do hope we’ll meet again. Farewell!”


“Ahem. I’m afraid that’s not in my area of specialty, Sir. Check with some of our other fine residents about that.”


“Hello, old friend! I see you’ve succeeded in the matter of Martian bodies. This is wonderful!”
You briefly describe to Segal the creation of a metal body.
“This is fantastic! I understand that Rasputin has our propellant. You must retrieve it at once, old friend. Face him down! Let him know we won’t stand for his interference! While you handle that little problem, we here in Olympus will gladly do our part. With your instructions, we’ll create metal bodies for all of the Martians. By the time you return with the phlogistonite, we shall all be ready to leave this God-forsaken planet. Now, go, man, go!”
He strides purposefully away, calling out and gathering his people.
