Ultima Martian Dreams

Theodore Roosevelt セオドア・ルーズヴェルト

You see a broad-shouldered man with an equally broad grin.
He grips your hand a bit too firmly and pumps it up and down vigorously.
“I say, good day there! Quite pleased to meet you. Ahem, quite.”


He looks up from his work and smiles broadly at you.
“Oh, I say, hello! Quite good to see you again. Quite.”


“Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt. I usually am addressed as T.R., however.”


“Here on Mars, my duties as a police official are, as you may imagine, reduced. Nonetheless, I am still in the business of solving crimes. In fact, I believe I know who was the culprit that sabotaged our 1893 expedition and caused Mr. Lowell’s space cannon to discharge prematurely.”


“I am positive that the Rassian holy-man, Rasputin, was the fiend that did this act. I have been able to collect samples of fingerprints in the original expedition’s ship. I have endeavoured to reveal the identity of the person who left this incriminating evidence. I also believe that one of Rasputin’s troublemakers was behind the destruction of the reflectors used to communicate with Earth.


“Yes, the ship that landed at 30S 150W was Mr. Lowell’s.”


“I’m sure he’s the one responsible for launching the space cannon a day earlier than planned and trapping us on Mars. His claim was that visions had driven him to commit his foul deed, but that excuse in no manner absolves him from his crimes and facing justice.”


He folds his hands behind his back and his voice takes on the tone of an instructor.
“Yes, quite. The technique of lifting the fingerprints is a recent addition to the field of criminology, developed by Juan Vucetich of Argentina. No two sets of prints are the same, which provides undeniable evidence of a person’s involvement.”


“I have been getting a est of prints from everyone in our settlement, and anyone else who will agree to leaving their prints on file. Would you allow me to record your fingerprints as well?


He grins and says
“Good! I shall be prepared in a moment.”
He takes small pad of ink and a sheet of fine white paper and sets them out. Taking your hands, he first presses each finger onto the ink pad, then rolls your fingers onto the white paper, leaving an ink copy of your fingerprints. He hands you a cloth, and you wipe your hands clean. He puts the equipment away, and places the paper amongst his records.
“Thank you, Avatar. I appreciate your cooperation.”


He eyes you suspiciously, and seems to be taking mental note.
After a short pause, he says,
“Very well, I shan’t force you to cooperate. Be forewarned, Avatar, should any further crimes occur shall need to speak with you and I WILL require your prints.”


“For instance, if I could get a set of prints from the scene of a crime which matched those by the fuse, I would know that the crime had been committed by Rasputin. I’m still collecting evidence on that one. He’s definitely not to be trusted.”

“These large mirrors were used by Mr. Lowell to send Morse code to observers back on Earth. When they were smashed, we could no longer reply to messages sent by Mr. Tesla.”

“I think your best bet would be to look in our ship from the Lowell expedition. If there is anything suspicious which might hold a fingerprint, you should bring it back to me and I’ll take a look at it.”
Roosevelt looks eagerly at you.
“Has your search for items that could contain fingerprints proved successful?”


He walks up animatedly and begins to look through your possessions. After a moment, he pulls a metal band from your things and takes it to his work area.”


He begins to examine the band, and after a moment, shakes his head in disgust.
“Of all the luck! I shall require a microscope before I can complete my examination of the prints on this item.”
Nellie “If I may, Avatar, I believe that we have seen such an instrument before. Pray allow me a moment.”
She examines her notes from the journal she has kept of your travels.
“I believe that there was a microscope in the Martian laboratory in the settlement of Hellas. Would that suffice, Mr. Roosevelt?”
“Yes, quite. Very well, go and retrieve it and return. I shall await you here.”


“Would you have a microscope with you? I must use it to get a good match on the prints.”
Roosevelt takes the metal band and microscope and begins to examine the band closely.
He then looks at a fingerprint sample under the microscope and whistles to himself in triumph.
“There is no doubt that the Rasputin prints collected near the capsule fuse Rasputin set off and the prints on the band you retrieved are identical. As I recall, this band was used to bind the barrels that held our supply of phlogistonite together. It is clear that Rasputin has stolen our propellant!”
Turning to you, he says
“I would ask that you go and confront that so-called “holy” man and try to retrieve the propellant. It is vital to our return to Earth. Personally, I will stay behind to insure that Segal does not get involved. By the way, I notice that you have partially solved the problem of finding bodies for the Martians. But, really, I don’t think that the average resident of Earth will be able to accept them in that state.”
He examines Chsheket consideringly for a moment.
“Hmmm. Well, I don’t really have any solution for THIS problem, but I will suggest that you get the help of a professional in the matter of disguise. I would speak with Miss Bernhardt if I were you. Best wishes, friend. Let me know how this all turns out, will you?”


He says,
“Oh, well.”


He glances sharply at you and his grin widens.
“Join you? Bully! I’d love to!”
He begins to gather his travelling clothes, then stops and puts his things away.
“Dash it all, I can’t. I could not in good conscience leave Olympus with no one whom I could trust to keep a close watch on Jack Segal. I don’t quite trust him.”


“As much as I would enjoy getting a closer look at what’s going on about the planet, I’m staying here in Olympus to keep my eye on Jack Sagal. I don’t feel that I can trust him.


“I say. Good day, Avatar. Do drop in again.”


He puffs his chest out, but then lets out a sigh.
“Hmmm. I’m sure that’s quite unimportant. Quite.”
He smiles.

