Ultima Martian Dreams

Prektesh プレクテシュ

You see a wizened, aged Martian.

The Martian looks up at you, its eyes revealing the weight of its burdens
“My leaves have never fallen on your fields before, worm of no shell. I am Prektesh, Agrarian and Leader of the Grove of the city of Hellas, once the finest of our planet. I welcome you, off-worlder, and all your kind to the shadow of Hellas. I extend the hospitality of our Grove to you.”


Prektesh nods as you call to him.
“Greetings, Avatar-worm. Once again, I welcome you to my dresms.”


“News of your success has traveled quickly, Avatar-worm. The Hellas Grove has chosen me to attempt the transfer.”
He smiles sadly.
"It was difficult to convince my Ambassador, Chsheket, that this is the correct choice. I will prepare myself immediately, and will be ready when you place the newly grown sapling into the Dream Machine.”


“I am Prektesh, leader of the Grove of Hellas.”


“My position in the Grove is the Agrarian.”


Hellas Grove
He looks about at the city, then makes a rustling sound that could be a sigh.
“Our city was once the finest of the Groves of Mars, but that is in our past. We have been forced to abandon our Grove, but the spirit of Hellas still thrives here in the Dream-World.”


“This place has become our refuge, accessed only through the Dream Machines.”


His features grow dark and he says,
“Yes, refuge! We fled through the Dream Machines to escape the devastation wrought by the plague that struck down our race, killing the last of our seedlings.”


“It was not a natural occurrence. What grieves me most was that our race was decimated by one of our own. The pestilence that destroyed us was the evil deed of Raxachk. He sought dominion over all of Mars, and for many years, he strove to control the supply of water and oxygen that all Martians require.”


“He is the Agrarian of the Grove of Argyre. Rather than seek peace and prosperity for his citizens, he lusted for dominance over all of Mars. When his attempts to use political and economic dealings to take control failed, he then chose to use force and terror to extort us into accepting his rule.”
Prektesh shudders at the memory.
“He prepared biological weapons, containing a strain of bacteria to afflict our entire race.”


“The beautiful city of Argyre decayed into a rotting slum of oppressed, sickly plantals. It was desolated even before the plague took its toll.”


“It was a most insidious weapon! It caused our bodies to grow sickly and rot away. Worse yet, it destroyed our offspring as they developed.”


You see a drop of what looks like sap well in his eye, and run down his cheek.
“That shkcha’s disease made growing seedlings impossible, killing our race with his arrogance!”
Regaining his composure, he continues,
“We knew then that his plan meant doom for our race. We fled our Grove and entered the Dream-World to wait, forever if necessary, hoping that someday we would be rescued.”


“Yes, we are trapped here indefinitely. Though the body remains in the Real-World, and ages normally, the essence of consciousness exists in the Dream-World, lasting eternally, even when the body has ceased to function.”


“We existed on the faith that someone would come, even someone like yourself, a visitor from another world. Now that you have heard our plight, you must aid us to discover some means for us to return to our native soil and inhabit the Grove in the Real-World.”


“You must act as our agents in the Real-World, using your bodies where we cannot exist.”


“To return to our Grove, we must find bodies that we may inhabit and leave the Dream-World. The Martians of Elysium have been striving to grow new bodies such as these from preserved seeds, now that the plague has passed.
There was another plan being examined as well. Speak to my Arborist and she can give you more information.”


“Their efforts are led by Tekapesh, the Agrarian of Elysium. I cannot condone their crimes, but I understand their motives.”


“Out of desperation, Tekapesh and his kind have stolen the bodies of the first off-worlders for use in growing the new seedlings. Please forgive him for these acts, for he had no other choice.”


He nods,
“You are compassionate. If you can see past his arrogance and despair, he will probably release your kind if you aid him. Perhaps, with our seeds and your help, they will be able to grow a new body for us to test.”


“You should ask Plashef about our seed. He is more knowledgeable about their exact location.”


“He is our Cultivator. He is here in the dream grove with us.”


“Her name is Xaktsesh. You can usually find her in the area just south of the barge station here in Hellas.”


“The Agrarian is the leader of the Grove, insuring that life in the Grove is pleasurable, while freeing those who live here from the toils of administration.”


Prektesh considers, and says,
“In my dream-state, I cannot. If I had another body to inhabit, I would gladly join you.”


“Until we meet again, friend.”


He makes a rustling sound and says,
“That is a word that I do not know.”

