Ultima Martian Dreams
Nosfentor ノスフェンター

You see the Shadowlord of Cowardice.
“I am so pleased to see you again, dear Avatar! Perhaps this time you will discover that you can never conquer your own weakness!”
“So, we meet again, my soon-to-be disciple. Are you ready to surrender to me now?”
“Don’t you remember me? Nosfentor, whom you thought destroyed in Britannia long ago! I can never be destroyed, for I live in your own heart. I am the Shadowlord of Cowardice!”
Job Weakness
“I am here to remind you of your lack of courage, to challenge you to a test!”
“Courage is the most meaningless of your virtues, the one most obviously against survival. To confront pain and conquer it simply leads to more pain, and gains only the knowledge and strength to deal with more pain. Why not give up that struggle and simply run away? Cowardice is peace!”
She glows with satisfaction at your question.
“Oh, Cowardice!”
She chants,
“Greatest of vices and solace from pain. Mortals live in a world of struggle, but they find in my embrace the peace that struggle for virtue only promises. I delight in showing them a refuge from their pain. My disciples enjoy their pleasures and toys, secure by choosing only goals easily met and prizes easily won.”
“Silly visionaries like yourself will talk of goals ‘worth struggling for’, but do you in fact struggle for them? You talk of universal happiness and compassion, but in fact you value your own luxuries far more than your fellows’ survival. Why pretend to care? Why claim something so foreign as altruism? I offer a solution so simple and obvious. You hate work and pain. Stop claiming a reason to work or endure! Accept my tutelage, and say, ‘I am more important than any other. Let others starve, or struggle for their daily bread, cloth to cover them, and a roof for their heads. I stand for myself!”
She smiles, clearly impressed with her own eloquence and confident of her power over you.
Challenge Test
“I propose a simple test of your courage. If you accept and win, I will allow you to continue your journey unmolested. If you fail, I will accept you into the ranks of my disciples. Your fiends are in need of help. They are about to be devoured by a Sand Leviathan. You must simply go to them and rescue them. Of course, the path to them is not for the faint of heart. Step into this obelisk to begin your task.”
“JOIN you? What a droll concept. Of course, you make your little joke precisely because you fear me. I am the force in your soul that is the undoing of your claims of virtue.”
“Look for me in yourself always!”
“That is not germane to us. Will you hide in irrelevancy?”