Ultima Martian Dreams

Nelly Bly ネリー・ブライ

You see a comely, well-mannered woman in her late 20's
"My dear Avatar, so nice to speak to you again."


She puts aside her notebook and offers her hand.
"I am currently using my nom de plume of Nellie Bly, although my given name is Elizabeth Cochrane."


"Although I believe Elizabeth Cochrane to be a fine name, I decided to adopt the name Nellie Bly after hearing my editor at the 'Dispatch' hum the Stephen Foster tune of the same name. I believe it fits me well."


"Oh, Stephen Foster is one of the most talented composers that I know. His works are very popular in Pittsburgh."


"I work for Mr. Joseph Pulitzer as a reporter for the 'World', which I feel to be the finest paper in print. Perhaps you have read some of my writings. I have written of the horrible conditions of the inmates of Blackwell's Island. I even had myself committed in order to gain firsthand experience of the poor souls' wretched existence."


"Blackwell's Island Asylum for Women. It is a despicable place, where the inmates are cruelly threated and many women who are as sane as you or I must remain, judged by incompetent doctors."


"I have been dutifully recording any details of our journey up to this point. I am certain that this will make an intriguing article for publication in the 'World'. That is, assuming we are able to return safely."
Nellie takes out her notebook, opens it and pages through it for a moment.
"I would wager that information you've learned is vital to secure our safe return to Earth, and could become the basis for any articles I wished to write. Please tell me what you have learned."
Nellie writes quietly in her notebook as you take time to relay the information that you have learned during your travels.
"Thank you, Avatar… This is wonderful material and it will prove useful, I feel."


"Dr. Freud is a psychologist. He has been asking us the most unusual questions to further his research. He strikes me as a bit odd, though, and reminds me very much of the doctors in New York that I was able to dupe into believing that I was insane."


"Mr. Tesla is a very interesting man. He seems to be quite adept in many physical sciences, especially the study of power and electricity. Mr. Pulitzer felt that he would be an excellent choice for an expedition leadr."


"Dr. Blood has had a difficult career of late. His theories concerning oxygen are interesting, but I can't determine if he has truly made any important discoveries. Nonetheless, I am glad to have his services on this expedition."

"Mr. Garrett is quite a charmer! He was our guard and provisioner while working at the laboratory in Colorado. Unfortunately, I didn't get to speak to him much before we began our journey."


"I've already agreed to accompany you to record our travels."


"Leave? I refuse! You will have to get used to having me around."


"Very well, Avatar. We can continue our conversation at a later time."


"Oh dear, I'm afraid that I can't help you with that. Perhaps the kind Dr. Spector or Mr. Tesla can be of assistance."

