Ultima Martian Dreams
Nathaniel Peters ナザニエル・ピーターズ

You see a burly man who watches your every move
“Hold on there! No one may enter the city of Olympus who is not known to us.”
“Well, have you brought
the signed note I told you to bring?”
”So what are you doing back here? Until you
have those signatures?get out of my
“You’ve got a note? Let me see it to make sure the signatures are in order.”
He takes the paper from you and examines it thoroughly.
“I see that you’ve got Sherman’s signature. That count for one.”
“Ah, yes. Yellin’s signature is perfectly acceptable.”
“Major Duprey’s signature will do nicely.”
“It seems that your paperwork is in order. It’s good to see that there are more normal people like us instead of those loonies like at the Elysium settlement.”
“My name is Nathaniel Peters.”
“Mr. Segal ordered me to prevent any of the loonies from Elysium getting into our settlement.
“Before you may enter our settlement, we must have proof of your integrity and soundness of your mind. We have had too many incidents with daft people from Elysium.”
“Until your integrity is known to us, I can’t release that information.”
“He is the leader of our settlement. I suggest that you go and speak to him at once. You will find him in the secluded buildings at the northwest corner of the settlement.”
Loonies Elysium
“Everyone living in Elysium thinks they’re Martian. This started soon after they figured out how to use some kind of Martian dream machine. Mr. Segal says that they have all lost their minds, and could be very dangerous. You should stay away from there. Also, if you meet Marcus, make an excuse to leave and get out of there. He’s also used the machine, and now claims to be able to talk to it. He is clearly insane.”
“We must be certain that you are not one of those raving madmen from Elysium. To insure this, you must be certified by three men whose character is known to us and whose soundness of mind is certain.
Dibbs ”I say, sir, would my voucher for Avatar qualify? If so, I will gladly give it.”
“What? You? You haven’t been by our settlement in weeks! I am certain that your signature would not be worth the paper it was written on.”
Addressing you, he says,
“No, we must have the signatures of at least three men known to us.”
Dibbs “Very well, if my signature will not pass muster, what of those of the three explorers, Sherman, Yellin, and Duprey?”
He thinks for a moment.
“Yes, if they will vouch for you, then I can let you pass. The last time I saw them, they were headed to the west. Said something about checking out the area around Syrtis Major. You might try around the coordinates 10N 71E. They could be in that area. Take this note and get their signatures.”
He gives you the note.
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“These fine gentlemen have been circumnavigating the globe, placing markers so that finding your path between sites of interest is easier. Their names are Sherman, Yellin, and Duprey. I believe that they were last seen headed to the west.”
“Richard Sherman is a thin, blond fellow with sharp eyes. He has quite a knack for finding his way about places he has never seen before.”
“Dr. David Yellin is an anthropologist who has been extremely useful in determining the function of certain Martian artifacts.”
“Major Greg Duprey led a company of the 3rd cavalry. He acts as the leader of their party.”
“That is impossible. Mr. Segal has stationed me at this gate to prevent any of the crazy people from Elysium from entering the settlement.”
He turns back to his guard duties, ignoring you.
“Farewell, Avatar. Should you wish to speak to me again, I shall be here.”
Shaking his head, he says,
“Sorry, I don’t know anything about that.”