Ultima Martian Dreams
Georges Melies ジョルジュ・メリエス

You see a man holding a megaphone.
He holds the cone before his mouth and calls out,
“Stay where you are. Though I am very happy to see another person in this desolate place, I must ask you to COME NO CLOSER! Please don’t move!”
“Ahhh! What a relief to be out of that horrible set! Thank you, my friend! Ah, it looks like this is your scene, so I’ll be going backstage while you take a bow, now. And, indeed, as the room grows dim about you, you seem to hear faint applause and cheers from an unseen audience!
“Ah, hello again, Sir. I eagerly await our return to the real world. I long to be in Paris once more. Or just New York.”
He laughs.
“I would even settle for the Olympus Mons encampment.”
“I am Georges Melies, maker of moving pictures.”
“Perhaps we may speak again of this under better circumstances.”
He glances about nervously at the walls.
“I write, direct and occasionally act in my fantastic productions.”
“I make such fantasies as are wonderful and difficult to imagine!”
He looks around him and smiles a small smile.
“Or maybe not so difficult…”
“When I first got here, I couldn’t even SEE the walls. But every step…”
(He pauses dramatically here.)
Brings us closer to our doom!”
Wall Doom
“I tried the door, but it is old and rusted shut. Being alone in such an empty place frightened me. I ran, and now the walls are upon me and I can go no further lest they crush me to death. If you tread upon certain of the squares, peahaps you can escape, my friend.”
“Only some of the squares cause the walls to close. Alas, however, I cannot tell which ones are safe! We are doomed!”
“I would love to join you in your escape from this place, my friend. But, for now, I will remain right here!”
“I am flattered you would ask, Sir, but I am very satisfied with my present career.”
“Yes, I would love to leave, but I cannot!”
“You must help me to get out of here! Do not leave me alone again!”
“Adieu, good gentleman.”
“Ask me again, perhaps when we are not in this scene.”
“I do not know of that.”
“Ah, Monsieur l’Avatar! It is good to see you again.”
“Georges Melies, of course. But you know that.”
“I deal mostly with theatre and magic. I run a small theatre in France, you know? I am also learning about photos and cameras. Quite fascinating!”
“Magic is defined, you see, by illusion, perspective, point of view ? all tres important, non? It is very similar in some ways to working with cameras. The same manipulation of the reliance on the sense of sight occurs with both.”
“Yes, photographs and photographic plates. I work often with them.”
“A plate must be developed to produce a photograph from a camera”
“Oui, I could do that for you.”
***“I’ve got the plate, sir.”
“Excellent! I will return in a while.”
A short time passes, and Melies returns with the photograph.
“I have it! It is a fine photo. I hope it is what you need.”
*** takes the photo.
“I often operate a camera. I use it to make moving pictures.”
“You must see some of my work after we return to earth from this Mars.”
“I cannot wait to get home and work on these ideas which I have had while I was here. This could change my career!”
“There are some good photographic possibilities here on Mars. I only wish that I had had my camera with me on this unexpected expedition.”
“I would rather not have spent this much time away from my endeavors.”
“Non, non, I thank you, but I have things to do here.”
“Oui, I have many things to do. We will meet again.”
“I hope I have helped you. We will meet again, oui?”
“Pardonnez moi. My English is not that good. Could you try another word, please?”