Ultima Martian Dreams
Marcus Chaney マーカス・チェイニー

You see a thin, pinched-looking man who looks bored.
At the sound of your voice, he starts violently, then rushes up to meet you.
“Hello! Hello!”
“At last! A real person to talk to. You don’t know how boring it’s been having nobody to talk to that would answer me back!”
Marcus waves at you enthusiastically.
“Hello! It’s good to see you again. You really should drop in more often!”
“Marcus Chaney. At Olympus, though, they started calling me Mad Marcus.”
“On Earth, I worked as an actuary for the firm of Dicker and Higgins. It has proved to be a wonderful career choice.”
Shrugging, he says,
“That’s all Segal’s fault. Years ago, after we first arrived on Mars and set up at Olympus, I used the Dream Machine that was there. Segal got angry and threw me out of the settlement, claiming that anyone who used the machines went crazy and started thinking they were Martians. As you can see, that’s simply not true in my case.”
His voice perks up and he begins to pace.
“It’s really one of the most fascinating devices that I have ever seen in my life! When I used it, I was able to go into a dream and walk about this dream-like world, even though I was wide awake! At first, it was loads of fun! But as I explored a bit, I realized that the machine could be quite dangerous.”
“Well, it’s true that Mr. Lowell and his group at Elysium DID act really strange after they used the Machine. Seems that they all started trying to live like the dead Martians, and forgot all about Earth or trying to get back home. That’s when Segal smashed up the Machine in Olympus.
“I went there after I got expelled from Olympus, but I just didn’t like it there, what with everyone trying to act like a plant. After all, I’M not crazy. So, I wandered off and finally ended up here in this abandoned city called Hellas a few months ago.”
He looks around and sighs.
“It sure got lonely here. At first, it wasn’t too bad, because I found some Martian berries that let me talk to some of the old Martian machines that were here.”
Looking up, he says,
“But now I can talk to you! You’re a much better conversationalist than those machines.”
Berry Machine
“Yes, Sir, they really work! Once you eat the berries, you gain the power to talk to certain objects. I remember reading about this ability once in the ‘World’. It was called ‘Psychometry’. Problem is, though, I can’t get to my supply anymore because of the damned Jumping Beans that have taken over the garden where I used to pick the berries.”
“Once you eat the berries, you will see this strange kind of… aura around any objects that you can talk to.”
He grins.
“It’s a little unsettling at first, but I got so lonely I’d have talked to anything.”
He points over towards the east.
“It’s over there past the wall. You can’t miss the jumping beans. They’re small enough, but there’s so many of the things that I can’t get at the berries without having to fight.”
He looks down and says,
“I’m not much of a fighter, I’m afraid.”
“To get there from here, just head east. You can’t miss it.”
“There are so many things you can do there. It just depends on your own imagination. And on how willing you are to pick up everything you can along the way. You never know when something might be useful, you know!”
“Yep, your imagination seems to kind of control what you see in there. Sometimes you can even imagine what you need to get out by using the dreamstuff. It’s this energy, sort of, that you can shape into something you’re thinking of. So if you’re thinking of an object and you use the dreamstuff, it becomes what you imagined!” you know, ‘the stuff that dreams are made of’, and all that. Shakespeare. That’s why I call it dreamstuff.”
“While in the dream-world, I thought that I saw Mr. Lowell and several of the others that had been on the capsule with me. They all seemed to be experiencing nightmares, some of which looked quite hellish. Although I got out while I could, I think that the others may be trapped.”
“Yes, trapped! I saw some things, Martians, in the dream-world, and while a few seemed complacent, there were many that were searching for humans to trap so they could go and possess their bodies in the Dream Machines. Fortunately, I figured out something important.”
Shivering, he says,
“That has got to be what happened to Mr. Lowell and the others. They didn’t go mad. Their bodies were taken over! Before the Martians died out, they used the Dream Machines to escape their doom, best as I can figure. Now, these Martians wait for humans so that they can possess their bodies and come back to take over the planet, or what ever. I only wish there was some way to rescue Mr. Lowell and the others trapped in there.”
“So long as your body is waiting and ready, you can return to it by waking yourself. All you need to do is TALK to yourself. Of course, if someone or something has beaten you to your body, then you’ll remain trapped in dreams while your body is possesses by the other creature!”
Shaking his head, he says,
“I thought about it myself, but I realized that there’s no way to do it without going into the dream-world and helping them out of their nightmares. To do that, you would have to find a working Dream Machine. The one in Olympus was smashed, and the one here on the island isn’t working anymore. I don’t know if there’s one in Elysium or not.”
“There’s an island that was formed where the canals criss-cross through Hellas. The Dream Machine is located in a building over on the island ? the one with two fountains in front. I could tell you more if I could have gotten over there to look at it, but the canals can’t be crossed except by bridge. And the bridges don’t move. At least, I can’t figure out how they work without any power.”
“They were built in such a way that they could extend over the canals. There’s one north of here that allows one to travel to the Syrtis Major area. But they seem to require power. Until there’s someway to get power to them, we can’t get across the canals.”
“The last folks to go up that direction were three surveyors.”
“That millionaire, Mr.Carnegie, sent them out. Yessiree, Major Duprey, Mr. Yellin. I believe they were prospecting for precious metals.”
“That’s very kind, but if I join you, then you’ll never be trusted at Olympus ever again. Just promise that you won’t forget me if you figure out how to get back to Earth.”
He seems satisfied.
“My thanks. Really miss my job at Dicker and Higgins.”
He shakes your hand and says,
“Goodbye. If you ever want to come visit me again, please do so any time.”
“I don’t know about that.”