Ultima Martian Dreams
Percival Lowell パーシヴァル・ローウェル

You see an older, distinguished-looking man, who appears somewhat distracted.
“Hello. My name is Percival Lowell.”
“Oh, hello again Sir.”
“Hello again, Avatar. Thank you again for freeing me from my nightmare.”
“Lowell. Percival Lowell.”
“Percival Lowell, Avatar. Are you being affected by the machine?”
“I am an astronomer. I am studying the Solar system. Are you, by any chance, a hero?”
“I am an astronomer, and the leader of the Martian expedition.”
Studying Solar system
“My calculations indicate that there is a ninth planet in our Solar system. I have come out here to visit it, but I can’t see it. I could probably find it from Neptune, but there is a monster of some kind there. I need a hero to defeat the monster and find the ninth planet.”
“I need someone to take my telescope to Neptune, defeat the monster there, and find the ninth planet. Will you do this for me?”
“Thank you. Be sure to send me a signal from the ninth planet if you reach it.”
“Alas, then. I must hope that a hero will come along to help me.”
“Apparently, if someone using the dream machine can be caught up in some nightmare long enough, a consciousness residing in this place can take possession of the body left behind in the physical world. The machine may have other deleterious affects, but we must hope not. I for one, however, have no intention of using the device again once I have my own body back.”
“All of the humans I know were entrapped by the Martians are now waiting here. Perhaps you can convince the Martians to return our bodies to us now.”
“I’m sorry, but I really must finish this research first.”
“All of the humans I know were entrapped by the Martians are now waiting here. Perhaps you can convince the Martians to return our bodies to us now.”
“Until we meet again!”
“Good luck, and thank you.”
“I’m sorry, but you don’t seem to be making sense.”
You use the mirror to send Lowell a message in Morse code. He responds:
“I’m so glad you have done this for me. I knew I needed a hero for this. Now I can go home and plan my Space Cannon project.”
He pauses as if suddenly struck.
“But wait a moment! I’ve already gone to Mars! I remember now… This is all a dream! I’m not sure if you are real or the result of my dementia, Sir, but I thank you. I shall find my way back to the Hall of Dreams now.”
“Ah, Avatar. It is indeed good to see you again. Perhaps this time I may be of service to you?”
Lowell smiles and shakes your hand.
“Percival Lowell, of course. You should know that by now.”
He smiles.
“I am the designated leader of the first expedition, and also the first man to set foot on Mars. Quite impressive, eh?”
“Yes. It is quite beautiful, is it not?”
He sighs rather wistfully.
“It was the correct destination, but a premature expedition.”
“Scientifically speaking, the 1893 trip will have to be counted as an unsuccessful experiment. We have conclusively proven there was a civilization on Mars, it is true. But it was not controlled set of conditions. Perhaps if the participants had been chosen for their qualifications rather than by happenstance, it would have been otherwise.”
“Quite a shame, really. It might have worked. Now we must return to earth without a firm scientific thesis and evidence for it.”
“I do wish our communications could have been steadily maintained. So much time has been wasted!”
“We were supposed to relay messages of our progress on certain experiments. The work on the space cannon was also unnecessarily delayed.
“Yes, we almost completed the cannon, before the fiasco with the Dream Machine. We only need a bit more iron ore to complete the project.”
“That blasted device! If we had resisted its lure, none of this would have happened. The Martians based it on a very interesting premise, though. Living your dreams and nightmares. What an intriguing pastime!”
“Amazing, isn’t it, that they waited all this time for bodies to use as a way out of the dream world. I am certainly glad that they gave them up in the end! We must help to find a solution to their problem.”
“That was absolutely horrible! It was merely a trap set up by the Martians so that they could keep our bodies.”
“Yes, I don’t know how we would have escaped without you. Thank you again. I never thought I’d get back to Earth!”
He grins.
“You’ll have to speak with Mr. Carnegie for more information on that. He knows a lot more about the metallurgical end of the cannon construction.”
“I have learned a bit about each of the members of the expedition over the last two years. If there is anyone you wish to know more about, I could tell you a little. Or you could ask them yourself.”
“Oh, my, no! I must prepare for the return voyage!”
“Yes, you’re right. I must get ready for our return!”
“I’m afraid you’ve stumped me on that one.”