Ultima Martian Dreams

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ウラディミール・イリーチ・レーニン


You see a stern, confident man with an athletic build.


“Greetings, comrade. You seem to be a citizen of the world. Perhaps you can assist me in my great endeavour. It is my duty to reapportion the wealth of this village so that each person receives an equal amount of money. No one person must receive any more than his neighbor. What you must do is divide the wealth, which I have gathered together here, into 25 equal piles, for the 25 inhabitants of the village. You must gather the rubles and put them back down in piles. This way, everyone will have the same amount, and all will be satisfied. When you have accomplished this task, report back to me, and your contribution to the success of my task will be duly recorded.”
He turns away and is still, obviously concentrating on something of great importance.


“Comrade, it is good that you are finished so quickly. You have finished redistributing the wealth fairly?

“I must congratulate you on your swift reconciliation of the problem. There is still, however, the matter of the gem. As it is impossible to divide, it must be given to the state to dispose of properly. That is the only fair way to distribute items of such disproportionately large value. Do you have the gem with you now comrade?”


“Wonderful, comrade! It must be donated to the state in the person of an appointed representative ? myself ? for proper disposal for the good of the people. Will you give it to me, comrade?”


“Excellent! You are, indeed, a hero of the people. I will dispose of it in an appropriate manner. You will be remembered with fondness, comrade. You have saved us! I deeply appreciate your dedication to the cause of the masses. You will be remembered for your selfless action. Now you must do your duty and help us to find a way back to the red planet, so that I may return to Mother Russia and redouble my efforts on behalf of my people. Spaseeba, my friend. In the English, thank you.”
He hugs you enthusiastically and pounds you on the back.


“You must retrieve the gem and bring it to me. I must dispose of it before the people can be content.


“It is not worthy of one such as yourself to lie, comrade. I detect that there is still not a fair balance of wealth in the village. Do you have the extra rubles with you? Let me see them”
You take out the extra rubles and show them to him.
“Keeping is not the solution, comrade. They should be given to the state for use for the good of the people. Will you give me the extra rubles you have found, so that the masses may benefit?”


“This is good! I will take the extra rubles to avoid dissension, and the rest will be distributed evenly. Now you must dispose of the rest of the money in a fair and impartial manner. I have faith in you to do well by the people, comrade. Report to me when you are finished.”


“To divide the money in a completely fair manner, you must give the extra rubles to the state or destroy them, so that they will not cause dissension. You must make the choice.


“It is possible to burn rubles, of course. That would be one way to make the amounts even.”


“I would guess that you could destroy a ruble by placing it against that candle flame and setting it on fire. It does have a nice sound to it, eh, comrade? The destruction of the materialistic empire. Yes.”
He smiles serenely.


“Then why do you disturb me? Do you need further instructions? What information do you seek?”


“Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Remember it well, comrade.”


“My job is to free Mother Russia from an imperialist dictatoriship.”


“I will wait here until we are all together, and we may return to the surface of Mars.”


“I will be ready to leave this place when all of us have been rescued from these nightmares. We will leave here together.”


“You must return to your duties. I understand.”
He turns away.
“I understand. You have other duties. We will speak later.”


“That is not important at this time, comrade.”


“My English is not yet the best. Perhaps we will speak of this again another time.”



You see a severe-looking man with a trimmed beard.
“Ah, it is the one they call the Avatar. Zdravtsvuy, brother.”


“You may call me Lenin.”


“My premier occupation at this time is to organize socialist reform and revolution in Russia.”


“My homeland is now badly governed. The majority of the people are oppressed by the Tsar.”


“Assassination is not now out of the question. It is an alternative to be considered.”


“It can be a useful tool when used for political advancement of the people’s advocates.”


“Assassination used as a tool is sometimes not recognized or understood by the masses.”


“As here on Mars. The masses did not understand Raxachk’s motives.”


“It is sometimes necessary to weed a garden. Occasionally, some good plants must perish for the cause.”



“Raxachk’s tool, if used with wisdom and discretion, could have brought about a social revolution.”

“The revolution would not have been destructive to the people ? or plantals ? in general. It would only have destroyed those standing in the way of social progress.”


“Unfortunately, Raxachk is not wise or discrete. He planned to use the tool only for personal advancement and power, not for the good of the masses.”


“In a case of power misused, as for Raxachk, assassination must be considered as an appropriate means to achieve a desired goal.”


“We must be allowed to return to Earth. There is much there that I must accomplish.”


“Political advancement, in this case, leading to better living conditions for the people.”


“I cannot join your party. I am already the leader of another party.”
He smiles.”


“Yes, we wish to leave as soon as possible. You must get to work.”
He bows slightly and walks away.


“Indeed, we are both busy men. Do svedanya.”


“I do not understand. Maybe in a different language?”

