Ultima Martian Dreams

Maria Curie マリ・キュリー

You see a plain, slightly plump European woman.
“Bonjour. It is very good to meet you. Pardonnez moi, my English is not too good. I am very involved in my research, so be not offended if my attention does not seem fully upon you.”


“Bonjour! You have returned. What assistance may I do for you?”


“I would be pleased if you call me Madame Curie. I like to take the name of my fiance, whom I miss very much.”

“I am continuing my studies in physics, to aid in our escape from this planet in whatever way is possible.”


“Upon our arrival, I soon discovered that the planet was containing a large amount of a specially reactive rock. It seems that it is quite… plenty? No, utm… abundant!”


Reactive rock
“Oui, the Martian must have utilized the energies released by the element to power their various machines. I believe this to be in addition to the use of electricity, which, unfortunately, is not operational at this time. The electricity powered the lights and water pumps. For their machines and their mechanical men, they apparently used the rock. There are signals of larger pieces used for a stationary device of some kind. The machine Monsieur Segal ordered destroyed might have been of the large type, but I do not know. It is quite an amazing source of power. I have collected small samples from the mines for my studies. Be warned. This element attracts the most horrible worms that I have ever seen. They seem to be attracted to the heat of the rocks.”

Dr. Spector nudges you in the arm and says,
“Radium is quite dangerous, you know. In large concentrations, the amount of radiation emitted could be fatal, unless one takes care to protect themselves.



“Oui, there are many mines under this mountain. It is the first place that we have begun our search for more iron ore. I imagine that there are large deposits of my energy rock as well, but far deeper than I have searched.”


“You should speak with Monsiuer Carnegie concerning our iron shortage.”


She glances at a hole in the floor and mutters a curse.
“I hate them! They are nearly impossible to do away with, and are always returning. They have grey-green shells from which they crawl and attach themselves to a rocky surface. Here, let me show you.”
She walks to the corner, and reaches down to the floor. A moment later she returns, bearing a small, worm-like creature.
“If you look carefully, you will see the many small, sharp teeth. They seem to prefer the energy rock, and the larger the concentration, the stronger the attraction. In fact, if you look inside the shells, you will find small amounts of it. They also grow very fast when exposed to the rock. They actually thrive on its radiated power. And, I must say, they can deliver a very painful and damaging bite. I can see no good in these creatures.”
She goes back to the corner and unceremoniously drops the worm to the floor, brushing her hands on her skirt afterwards, in disgust.


“Oui, the worms grow very quickly near energy rock. I would suppose that if there were a large enough concentration of it, that there would be very large worms nearby. It also follows that if you find a large worm, there is a large concentration of energy rock in the area!”


She looks at Dr. Spector, confused by his statement.
“Protection? I suppose if one wanted, one could use the tongs to pick up the rock, and storing it inside a lead box would protect one from almost anything. You are, of course, welcome to anything in the lab which you feel will be useful to you.”

Dr. Spector smiles and says,
“Madame, these protective measures should be quite adequate.”

She returns the smile, and says,
“Bon! If only the worms were so easy to… uhm, how do I say? …mollify.”




“Yes, radiate. I know! I shall call it radium. Yes, that is a good name for it. I shall use that name.”


She stares at you contemplatively, then looks back at her equipment.
“ Merci, non. I would prefer to remain at my research.”
She smiles and shrugs.
“It is a difficult decision, mails non? Ah, well, c’est la vie!”


“Au revoir, Avatar. Perhaps we shall speak again soon.”

She looks slightly confused.
“Pardonnez moi. I do not understand.”

