Ultima Martian Dreams
Cooter McGee クーター・マッギー

You see a crusty, weathered-looking man wearing cowboy clothes.
“Thanks, pardner. I thought those gol-durned critters would eat me fer sure. How in the wide world of Mars did you get here, anyhow? Did you find my note?”
“Oh well, I’m jest glad that yore here! Tell you what pardner, how’s about I give you a bodacious ree-ward for helping’ me out”
“Well, lookee who we got here! Howdy, pardner!”
“Cooter McGee, an’ proud of it.”
“Well, pardner, I prospect all over Mars fer Oxygen rocks.”
“I left one in my cave to lead someone here to come save me. I guess you figured it out an’ came runnin.”
“Tell ya what. I’ll tell you where I hid a map that shows where hid some stashed of them Oxygen rocks. On Mars, they’re as good as gold.”
“I buried it to keep them varmint raiders from takin’ it and lootin’ my stashes. It’s hid one pace west of the sign left by the Explorers at Coprates Chasma. Now, I hid a shovel near there, too… now where in blazes was that?”
“Yup, Sir. I gots little caches hid all over the place. Most of them are small, an’ the map shows where they are. I’m still tryin’ to get my hands on the motherlode that I seen, though.”
“There’s three of them fellas. They run all about the planet and place markers around so’s people can find their way about. Their names are Sherman, Yellin, and Major Duprey.”
“Oh yeah, I remember. It’s about 4 paces west of the marker hid under a big rock.”
“Well, I was down explorin’ at the station at McLaughlin. Down under in the underground, there’s what’s got to be a ton or more of them big oxy-rocks. If it weren’t for that darn door, I’d have gotten the whole lot of it by now, an’ be set fer life.”
“Yep, the whole load’s behind this dag-nabbed door that runs on eee-lectricity. Problem is, there ain’t no durned power to run the thing. I jest can’t stand to think about all them oxy-rocks, stuck behind that door.”
“Well, I ain’t no eee-lectrician, but I figure that there’s gotta be some way there at Mclaughlin to turn in on. I’d bet that Edison fella could figure it out.”
“He an’ a bunch of other well-to-do folks decided to live on Mount Olympus. I decided that I’d rather go prospectin’ and make my own place than live up there.”
“They’re mighty picky about who they let in up there. Right unfriendly an’ stuck up.”
“He was on the capsule that brought us here. Got a sense of die-rection that makes you think he’s got a compass stuck in his head.”
“Quiet fella. He’s an ant-throw-polly-jist… guess that means he studies bugs.”
“He shore is one rough, tough, son of a gun. I’d not cross him if I was you.”
“Yep, an’ I’ve done pretty well fer myself, too. Leastways, until them gol-darned raiders from Argyre came and captured me.”
“Them Oxygen rocks is what keeps us alive here, ya know. Why, without them, we just pass right out. Jest stops breathin’. Ya jest put a little pinch in front of yer gum, there, and it’ll keep you in air fer a while. Ya jest gotta remember to spit ever once in a while, and you’ll be fine.”
“They’re a bunch of low-down, good-fer-nothing varmints what hog-tied me up an’ captured me. Said that I had gone an’ angered their boss, a Russian fella named Rasputin.”
“It’s an old Martian city down southeast. That lousy anarchist Rasputin, he set up his base down there. I’d stay away unless you want trouble. Ar-jire. Funny furrin name.”
He mumbles to himself.
“You jest be sure ta use the spittoons you’ll find ever so often when you do that. Miz Calamity, she gits right upset if she sees ya spittin’ without usin’ a spittoon. An’ you don’t wanna see her upset. She don’t miss too often.”
He grins and cackles.
“He stowed away on Mr. Lowell’s cannon ship. Turned a bunch of the hired hands aginst us, too. Now he’s tryin’ to take over the oxy-rock market, shore ‘nuff. He sent a note that threatened unless I came here with the map, he’d do me in. guess I showed him a thing or two, huh?”
“That means un-American son-of-a-gun.”
He explains.
“Shore is right kind of you to ask, but I’ve been itching to get back to my prospectin’. If you ever hear of someone buildin’ a way to git back home to Earth, though, don’t fergit ol- Cooter.”
“Allright, pardner. You take care of yourself now, you hear?”
His face twists as he strains to think of an answer.
“I’ll be dipped! I’m ‘fraid that I can’t help you with that.”