Ultima Martian Dreams
Chsheket チュシェケト(現実世界)

You see a woman, golden and shining.
“Greetings, person of Earth.”
The Martian intelligence looks in wonder at its metal body.
(Spector) “I do suggest, Avatar, that we spend some time testing this solution to make sure it is a viable one before we try any more transfers.”
“I must agree wholecormedly, doctor. I would not presume to endanger any of my plantals without being sure of this plan’s success.
“Hello, Avatar. How may Chsheket be of assistance to Earth?”
“I believe the sealant must have some coloring substance in it for the sprayer to operate properly, Avatar.”
“I believe it would be best for me to use my own name for now. Call me Chsheket, please.”
“I am the Ambassador of the Martians of Hellas Grove. I must test this body to be sure that it is safe for my grovemates.”
“In Prektesh’s absence. I must speak for the plantals of my Grove.”
“Prektesh was Agrarian for our Grove.”
“The title has connotations of being our governor and our grandparent, as well as being in charge of the future of the Grove.”
“I will follow you wherever you go, Avatar. I must learn how to operate this body efficiently.”
“No, Avatar. I am with you until we leave this planet. I am saddened if this does not agree with your wishes, but I will not change my mind.”
“I look forward to conversing again later. Of course, I look forward to everything now that I am alive again!”
She smiles. It is a strange sight with her golden face!
“Obviously, I must study your dialect more diligently. I do not understand.”
You see a woman, now a shapely, beautiful redhead. Chsheket tips her head and smiles. She seems happy.
“Thank you, Dr. Spector, for giving me this ? what is it called again? Oh, yes, clothing. I gather that I should wrap myself in it at all times?”
Johann blushes slightly.
“Ah. Yes, well. Most times. Perhaps you should speak with one of the ladies about that.”
“Thank you, doctor. I will do that.”
She smiles and dimples, and Johann blushes a little deeper.
As you look at the woman Chsheket has become, you realize that you recognize her. A century from now, she will appear at your door with an envelope for you and Dr. Spector…
“We must speak to your fellow humans at Olympus Mons. They are the largest concentrated group. They have a greater number to help us. Our next move depends upon their leader, the one called Segal. I do not believe we can liberate those Martians still in the Dream World without his assistance.”
Dr. Spector adds,
“We must speak to Segal about the phlogistonite, as well. We have plans to make. Let’s be off!”
He strides quickly away, gesturing for you all to follow.
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