Ultima Martian Dreams

Andrew Carnegie アンドリュー・カーネギー

You see a spirited, sharp-eyed man in his 60’s.
Carnegie turns to look at you, and extends a calloused hand.
“Good day! It’s good to see that your journey to Mars was safe. Hopefully you’ve come with fresh resources from Earth.”

“Ah, ‘tis you again, Avatar. How may I be of assistance?”

Drawing himself up, he says,
“Andrew Carnegie, at your service.”

“While on Earth, I was what you might call a ‘self-made’ businessman. I was the founder and chief executive of Homestead Steel. Here on Mars, I was placed in charge of milling steel with which to rebuild a space cannon like the one that brought us here.”

“Aye, the cannon was to be a replica of the one that Mr. Lowell constructed for the exposition in Chicago. Mr. Lowell had everything going on schedule, until the madness affected him.”

Shaking his head, Carnegie says,
“One day he came to the project site, announced that he was now someone named ‘Tekapesh’, and was leaving to try to work on replanting the planet, or some other such hogwash. He and the other people who went mad from the Dream Machine are now over at Elysium. As you know, we don’t want them around here making trouble.”

Sighing, he says
“We’ve had a grave need for iron ore for several months. At first, we were able to locate a mine nearby that gave us a good supply, but its lode is spent. It gave out on us with only one full cartload to go.”

“Once our mine here at Olympus became tapped, we started looking for alternate supplies so we could make more steel. We sent our various search parties, including the three Explorers to try and locate more ore. Jean, one of the Frenchmen that was aboard our capsule, was searching deeper in our Olympus mine, but he never returned. The most promising report was from Major Duprey, who found some at Syrtis Major, but was unable to find a way to transport it here. We only lack one cartful to have enough to finish the cannon.”

“Ah! More iron ore! Where did you get it?”
You explain that you found the ore at Syrtis Major and used the reactivated Martian canal system to transport it.
“Oh, that is very good. I’ll send some of my men to mine as much more as we need. At last we can finish our space cannon and go home! Thank you, Avatar, from all of the humans on Mars.”
He adds,
“Oh! We will, of course, need our propellant, the phlogistonite still stored in our space capsule. While my men are mining the ore, would you and your party bring that here for us?”

You explain that the phlogistonite is missing from the space capsule.
“Oh, dear! Do you have any clue who might have stolen it?”
You show him the broken metal band.
“Perhaps Mr. Roosevelt can use his criminological expertise to determine the thief from that. Please, take it to him.”

“You must confront Rasputin and attempt to recover it!”

“Mr. Roosevelt is an experienced policeman. He lives in the northeastern part of the settlement.”

“We take iron ore and coal and place it into a Martian smelting machine. It’s nearly like magic to watch, because we only have to put the materials in and rolled steel is produced out the other end. From there, we took the steel straight to the project site to be riveted onto the space cannon.”

Chuckling, he says,
“Aye, if I could take that beauty home with me, I could replace an entire factory full of equipment with just one of those machines.”
His face then turns serious, and he says,
“But I could never do such a thing. After all, that machine would put hundreds of workers out of a job, an act which I could never condone.”

Glancing at Sherman, he says,
“They’ve been indispensible to our efforts. You can ask Mr. Sherman there about his friends, for he certainly knows them better than I.”

“Never got to know him personally. Perhaps you should go and speak to his brother, Legrande. He’s the guard that Segal posted over that blasted Dream Machine after we smashed it.”

“Apparently the Martians used their canals as an extensive transportation system, but without water in them they are useless to us.”

“I wouldn’t know much about that. You might check with Admiral Peary. He’s done a lot of exploring, and might have some ideas.”

“I believe they’re usually made of lead. There seems to be some around in various locations. You might see if Peary knows anything about them.”

“I wouldn’t know how to make a lead cannonball, friend. Wait! I could make some of steel! Would that be acceptable?”

“Good! Then we’ll get started. It’s a good thing that there’s plenty of steel. Making a few cannonballs won’t endanger the construction of the cannon. Please make yourself at home. This could take a while.”
Carnegie disappears into another area, and loud noises soon emerge. After a short time, he returns.
“Eureka! I knew I could do it. You can do anything, you know, if you really want to and are willing to work for it.”
He emerges with a pile of shiny cannonballs.
“There you go. Now go find our phlogistonite, friend, and we’ll all go home!”

“Well, if that won’t do, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

“While I appreciate your offer, an old man like me would only slow you down.”

He nods as you take your leave.

Ruffling his beard with his fingers, he says,
“That’s a new one to me, Avatar.”
