Ultima Martian Dreams
Calamity Jane カラミティ・ジェーン

You see a short, homely woman who could easily be mistaken for a man.
“Howdy, stranger. Welcome to Calamity Jane’s Tradin’ Post. Chances are, if you need it, I gots it. Did you run across them critters that roam ‘round the base of this here hill?
“Hmmpf. You got lucky. Those varmints cause me an’ Bill a load of trouble. Right now, though, with our supplier gone, business ain’t so good anyway.”
“Howdy, Avatar. Welcome back to my outpost.”
“I goes by the name Calamity Jane.”
“Me and my pardner Bill peddle goods. At least, we peddle when the raiders aren’t fussin’ about.”
“Well, his name’s Cooter McGee, an he’s a prospectin’ type. Brings us oxygen rocks ever so often.”
Trade Peddle
“Yep, me and Bill got the best shop on the planet. Much better than that stuffy rich fella over on Olympus. If you want to buy anything, jest say so.”
“His name’s Hearst.”
“Yeah. He’s big on collectin’ Martian junk, not useful stuff like our oxy-rocks.”
“Yep, he’s a wild one all right. Got him a place over in Noctis that he gets his rocks from, I suppose. You know, business would shore be better if someone like you could go and find out what’s ailin’ him. That way, I could start sellin’ oxygen rocks again.”
She pauses for a moment, then looks you in the eys.
“would you go and find out what Cooter’s problem is and set things right? I’d be much obliged.”
She smiles at you and says,
“Good. We all need that supply of oxy-rocks. Lemme tell Bill to give you some of them oxy-rocks to help along the journey.”
She hollers over to Buffalo Bill.
“Cody, give this’un here some of your little oxy-rocks, so they can go and save Cooter’s hide!”
Bill grunts his agreement and begins to fish through his stuff.
“An be sure to tell ‘em how to find Cooter’s place, too!”
Bill grunts again.
“That should do you. Jest you go ask Bill and he’ll give you what ya need. Once you save Cooter, you can come back whenever you want an’ we can talk trade for them rocks.”
“Until ol’ Cooter starts makin’ his supply runs again, we’re fresh out. Sorry.”
“It’s our standard for trade ‘round here. After all, ya can’t breathe right without any. Only problem is, the raiders keep hasslin’ us for our supply. We don’t deal with their low-down kind, but if you want to buy some, we can deal,”
“They’re outta Argyre, southeast of here. They disrupt our tradin’ and’ve been hasslin’ our supplier somethin’ fierce.”
“The whole city seems to be a place for low-lifes and varmints of all types. We don’t go trading with them anymore, you jest can’t trust ‘em.”
“You’ll have to ask Buffalo Bill about it, he’s the one that’s been there.”
“OK, I can trade you either clothing or them funny berries that Cooter uses. I can also trade you oxy-rocks for berries, if you need any. Which woul you like?”
“Here ya go, pardner. I got hats, boots, gloves, pants, jackets, an’ neck warmers. Which would you kike?”
“I’ll take fifteen of them little oxygen rocks for a hat. How many would you like?”
“It’ll cost ya twenty little oxy-rocks for each pair of boots. How many sets would you like?
“I’ll trade you one pair of gloves for ten little oxygen rocks. How many would you like?”
“I’ll give you one pair of pants for thirty little oxygen rocks. How many would you like?”
“It’ll cost ya forty little oxy-rocks for a jackets. How many sets would you like?
“I’ll take ten little oxy-rocks for a neck-warmer. How many would you like?”
“I can trade either the little blue oxygen rocks, or I got some of them huge things that you gotta bust up first. Which would you like?”
“I’ll take fifteen of them purple berries for each set of 20 little rocks. How many sets would you like to get?”
“I’ll take thirty of them purple berries for each big rock trade you. How many sets would you like to get?”
“Strange things, these berries. I got purple ones, brown ones, and green ones. Don’t know ‘xactly what they do, but I sell ‘em. Which would you like?”
“it’ll cost ya fifty little oxy-rocks for each set of twenty berries. How many sets would you like?”
“What, go and leave my spread and goods? Yer mind must be half-froze solid. Me and Bill’s got us a good thing goin’ here.”「私のごちそうと品物を置き去りにしていけってのかい?きっと、あんたの頭は半分凍りついてカチカチになっちまってるんだな。私とビルは、ここで上手くやっていくよ」
“Later, pardner. If you need anything, jest come and see Calamity again.”
She scratches her head and looks at you, confused.
“I don’t rightly know, Avatar. Mebbe you should ask Bill what he knows.”