Ultima Martian Dreams
Buffalo Bill バッファロー・ビル

You see a rough-looking cowboy with a short beard.
“Howdy. Welcome to Calamity Jane’s Tradin’ Post. I’m in charge of dispensing the ammunition and other necessary trail items. If you haven’t met Miss Jane yet, I reckon that you should see her next. She’s got some real useful things herself. Our main supplier hasn’t been by in a spell, so I’ve actually got more to sell than Miss Jane.”
“Howdy, pardner. Need more shells, I imagine.”
“Our supplier still hasn’t been by. Darn shame, too, ‘cause we could really use those oxy-geodes he brings.”
“My name is William F. Cody, though most people call me Buffalo Bill.”
“Miss Jane and I trade various goods for oxygen rocks.”
“Our main supplier’s a fellow named Cooter. He prospects for Oxygen rocks and we sell them around the whole planet. They’re mighty handy. Ever since those raiders from Argyre started giving Cooter a hard time, he hasn’t been around.”
Trade Buy
“Well, pardner, I can trade you either ammunition or various trail goods. What kind of things are you looking for?”
“Miss Jane is the person to ask about that. I just sell shells and trail goods.”
“Miss Jane said to give you a few of these to help out on your way to check up on Cooter.”
He opens a small strongbox and hands you several small bluish rocks.
“Sorry I can’t spare more than this, but we’re in pretty short supply right now. I figure that everyone will run out sooner or later until Cooter gets free. You just put it behind your lip, there, and it’ll give you all the oxygen you need to keep goin’. Be sure to use the spittoons when you spit, though, or Miz Calamity’ll have your hide and mine both. Better take some of these here berries, too. Cooter said somethin’ about needin’ these to get into his place. Wish I knew what he does with ‘em. Cooter’s place is over in Noctis, in the center of the northern canyon. The entrance to Noctis is at about 20S and 113W. You wander around in there until you get to 12S 81W by one o’ them sextants and you should find Cooter’s place right off.”
Mr. MacGee lives over in the labyrinths of Noctis. I’ve been over to his place once, and it’ll be quite a spell afore I do that again. You have to cross the bridge a little to the northeast of here. I think the numbers of that are about 4S, 121W. Of course, with Cooter gone, trade’s going to be light. No oxygen rocks, no trade.”
“Cooter’s place is a cave set back along
into the rocks to the north side of the northern
“Yep. My guess is they’ve carted him off someplace.”
He grins and shakes his head.
“Though why they’d want to keep that old coot is beyond me.”
Ammunitionm Shell
“I’ve got all kinds of things like that. Would you like to buy anything?”
“These here goods are just what you need to make your trailblazing more livable. You can trade for tents, tinderboxes, weedkiller, and lamp oil. Which would you kike?”
“I need fifty of them little oxygen rocks for a tent, pardner. How many would you kike?”
“It’ll cost you fifteen little oxy-rocks for a tinderbox. How many would you kike?”
“I ask thirty little oxiums for a can of weed killer. How many would you kike?”
“I will trade you a can of lamp oil for ten little oxygen rocks. How many cans would you like?”
“No, I can’t. I’ve promised Miss Jane to keep up my half of the business. I must admit, if I could find a horse, I’d love to go riding. Worst thing about this place, no horses.”
“Yes, Sir, I sure do miss being back home, riding in the shows with my Congress of Rough Riders. You know, we had quite a setup right next to the exposition couple of years back. If not for that damn cannon blast, I would still be home doing the shows.”
Shaking your hand, he says,
“Take care, Avatar. Come see me before your stock of shells gets too low.”
He looks up at the sky and says,
“I’m not familiar with that. Maybe Miss Jane knows.”