Ultima Martian Dreams

C.L.Blood C.L.ブラッド

You see a middle-aged man dressed in black.
"Greetings, my friends. Let me check you over while you're here. Can't be too careful, you know" After completing his examination, Blood proclaims, "No one here is in need of my services"


"Avatar, this air is too rarefied for good health! I am sure that should anything happen to you, your friends can help you get back here."
Dr. Blood reaches for your pulse. After he listens to your heartbeat and breathing, you see that he is concerned.
"Best that you acquire some kind of oxygen supply, so that you will be in top form in case of trouble. I will prepare some of my Oxygenated Air canisters for you. Use one on anyone who is injured or has fallen. Each canister will only work once. I will continue to manufacture them so that you may occasionally return for more. I will remain here to help if needed."


"Dr. C.L.Blood, at your service."


"I am a physician by profession. I heal those who are injured and I specialize in diseases of the lungs."


Methodically, Dr. Blood sets out his instruments and wipes his hands clean.
"Very well, what have we here?"
He says as he examines you. After a few moments, Blood looks up from his treatments, and addresses you.
"It seems that Lady Luck has favoured us," he says. "All in your party are now well."


"You know, a doctor. Admittedly, I have fallen from favor in the medical community, as my innovations are too 'modern' for those who favor the status quo. At any rate, I still maintain my practice and operate an office at 27 Bond Street in New York."


"Indeed, if anyone is not will, they should come to me immediately, I will heal them as best I can."


"I have promoted the use of Oxygenized Air, which I feel is critical in the treatment of ailments of the respiratory system,"


"Yes, it is imperative for survival that one have sufficient oxygen. Without such, the brain ceases to function properly. I fear that while on Mars, we shall suffer from oxygen deprivation."


"If you carry on I an oxygen-poor environment, you will notice a marked reduction in your physical strength and agility. Furthermore, the lack of oxygen flow to the brain will most certainly cause you to suffer a reduction of your mental faculties. Certainly, Avatar, this is not a manner in which you should operate for any length of time."


"He claims to be some sort of doctor, although I am certain that his background in not in physical medicine."


"Very curious, Mr. Tesla. He seems to have many interesting habits. However, I am grateful that he chose to include me on this expedition."


"A very outspoken woman, indeed. I am certain that her spirit and determination will be quite an asset to our company."


"Ah yes, Mr. Tesla felt it necessary to include a guard of some sort. I must admit that I do not know him very well."


"I'm afraid that would not be wise, Avatar. I shall remain here with my instruments and medicines. Should anyone require healing, bring them here."


"Safe journeys, Avatar"

He thinks for a moment and frowns.
"I'm afraid I can't help you with that."

