Ultima Martian Dreams

Astaroth アスタロス

You see the Shadowlord of Hatred.
“Greetings again, Avatar. Welcome to the shrine of Hatred, here, deep within your own being!”
In reaction to your surprise at his cordiality, Astaroth says,
“But of course I am cordial to you! Is not the thin vaneer of cordiality the noblest display of one’s inner hatred?”

“Cordial greetings, again, Avatar!”

“Don’t you remember your old foe, Astaroth? Oh, I am wounded!”
The robed figure makes a gesture toward its chest, suggesting the presence of a heart to be wounded.
“After all our joyful times in Britannia! Perhaps you thought me destroyed?”

“I cannot be destroyed as long as you endure. I am the basic force of Hatred, alive in the parts of your soul you wish were not. Alas, no soul in life can be purged completely of virtue or vice. My lesson for you is simply that while pursuit of virtue is long and difficult, vice is found easily and is strongly linked to pleasure.”
「おまえがいる限り、私を滅ぼすことはできない。私は憎しみの根源の力、おまえが望まないにかかわらず、おまえの魂の一部なのだ。嗚呼、あらゆる生命の魂 は徳と悪徳を完全に駆逐することはできないのだ。私の教え単純だ。徳の探求は長く困難だが、悪徳は簡単に見つかり、喜びと強く結びついているということ だ」

“I am here, in the depths of your being, and now that you have found me, I invite you to a little test, a little morality play to demonstrate important things about Hatred to you.”
「私はここ、おまえの奥底にいる。そして今、おまえは私を見つけた。これから私はおまえにちょっとしたテスト、ちょっとしたモラルの遊びをしよう。おまえ の憎しみに関する重要なことを証明するものだ」

“Here, step through this obelisk. Beyond lies my demonstration of the power of Hatred. If that Love you profess is so strong, perhaps you will find an expression of it that overcomes the purity of the Hatred you will find.”
「ここだ、このオベリスクに入るのだ。私の憎しみの力の証明を超えるのだ。もし、おまえが愛と偽る物に強い力があるのならば、おまえは純粋なる憎しみに打 ち勝つ感情を見つけられるだろう」

“Now you are beginning to speak with clarity. Certainly, you of all mortals can appreciate the value of Hatred. Without Hatred, you would not find the strength to object, to repel your assailants, to enjoy the pleasure of conflict. Without hatred you would be limited in your capacity for self-indulgence: Why give up any pleasure for an enemy? Are not all strangers unfriends?”
「今おまえは明快に話を始めた。おそらく、お前をはじめとする生者は、憎しみに価値を見出すことができるだろう。憎しみが無ければ、おまえは反抗したり、 加害者を撃退したり、衝突した喜びを楽しむための力を持つことができないであろう。憎しみが無ければ、おまえは自己満足の能力も制限されるのだ。何故、敵 のためにあらゆる喜びを諦めるのだね?迷い人が皆、一人ぼっちというわけではないのだぞ?」

“Ah, such an imagination you have. I cannot join you because I am always within you! Perhaps you think you can watch me better and guard against my Malice if I am manifest like this.”
With a dismissing gesture, Astaroth continues,
“No matter. I cannot join: and if I could, perhaps I would refuse just to anger you.”
「おお、そのような想像力がおまえにあったか。だが、おまえを私の仲間にはできない。なぜなら、私は常におまえと共にいるからだ!私がこのような約束をし たら、もっと私のことをよく見ることができ、私の悪意を防ぐことができると考えているのだろう」

“Until you find me again, fare in Hatred. Remember that I live in your soul!”

“Perhaps I could talk of that, but why should I when I can anger you by withholding information?”
